Thursday, 28 February 2013

I spotted this one on canyoudigit... the internet is a funny thing.

Cool video mike, didnt realise you were even doing one.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

couple of snaps from the Graham fella

Sweet day at the trails, everything was running (almost)... not bad for February the 24th.
Lots of dialling opertunities over the next few weeks, several lips and landings could do with a little bit of a facelift, happydays


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Dan Sheridan and Adam Tarbett

Wow, the mind boggles with this shit. What a lack of respect! Bring on the chains

Friday, 1 February 2013

Trails Map

So we are working with the powers that be to make the trails a legimate facility. on eof the requirements was to complete a trails map.... so here it is

jele is main man behind this map, savage job boss!